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Niels Klim Award presented

Tags: Danish Science fiction

Saturday 8 June the winners of this year's Niels Klim Award were announced, and the (physical) prizes were given out in a succesful ceremony during the annual Danish science fiction convention, Dancon.

The winners are:

  • Novella:
    • "MĂĄnebase Rødhætte" ("Moonbase Little Red Riding Hood"), Lars Ahn Pedersen, MĂĄnebase Rødhætte
  • Novelette:
    • "Fredag formiddag" ("Friday Morning"), Jesper RugĂĄrd Jensen, Fremmed stjerne (Alien Star)
  • Novelle:
    • "Jeg husker alt" ("I Remember Everything"), Richard Ipsen, Fremmed stjerne

The prize is given out annually after nomination and voting among Danish science fiction readers. This was the second time the prize was given out. Last year the prize was split between Danes and foreigners (Alastair Reynolds won in the category Novella); this year all 3 winners are Danes.

The 3 categories together cover shorter science fiction texts (less than 40,000 words) published in Danish for the first time the previous year.

The practical circumstances are mostly handled by Lise Andreasen (member of Science Fiction Cirklen among other qualifications), and her blog is the primary information source.

Lars Ahn Pedersen
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Jesper RugĂĄrd Jensen
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Carl-Eddy Skovgaard accepted the award on behalf of Richard Ipsen; Carl-Eddy was editor for Fremmed stjerne.

All 3 winners
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Created: 9 June, 2013 - Last changed: 9 June, 2013 - Comments (0)